
Friday, May 27, 2016

Responding to natural causes

Today,I read an editorial in Femina, the editor had written about how often we respond to natural causes. Do we consider the cost to pollution when we buy a new cellphone or when we buy a new car?She had further written that our efforts towards conserving the environment make a mockery of the cause of pollution.
How often do we think about the torture endured by an animal when we buy that purse made of pure leather or we buy a shoe made of leather.
It was a short editorial but it set my thoughts rolling. I wondered how wonderful would the city of Mumbai become if every time we throw a wrapper we think about the poor man or woman who cleans the trash thrown by us.
Every tree that we plant adds to the cause of environment. We should proactively consider the cause of environment and show sympathy and empathy towards our fellow human beings and also towards our fellow creatures.
Dear reader start thinking about the environment and our fellow creatures before you reach out for that expensive cellphone or that calf leather purse.
Let us all take a pledge that we will think sensitively about the environment and our fellow creatures before we reach out for that expensive shoe made of pure leather.

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