
Monday, December 14, 2009

How to avoid IDK on Linked in

Social or business media is a powerful tool for people who want to expand their business online. Imagine you have built a nice network on Linked in and one fine day you discover that your account is suspended. Panic may set in and you may wonder what to do.
Firstly let me explain what IDK is and how your could account be suspended. Linked in has certain policies in place that the user has to  follow and one of them is not to connect with people you do not know. If one followed this in principle, one would have very few people in one’s network unless you are one of those who are super social or super connected, so what is the way out?
Charity begins at home-
The first principle to follow is if you want others to be nice then be nice to others. This does not in any way mean that you accept every invite that comes your way, certainly not, use your discretion, but if you do not wish to connect just archive that invitation instead of hitting the ‘I do not know this user button.’
If you have accidentally ‘IDK’d’ somebody make amends, go to the list of invites you have blocked and accept the invitation and if still do not wish to connect remove the connection later on. So this way you will ensure that you have a reputation of being a nice person.
The next and most important point you can follow is send a mail prior to sending an invite, asking may I connect with you? This way you are not sending unsolicited invitations and you will have only people who want to connect with you or people you want to connect with in your list.
Each social or business media platform offers you the option of limiting or expanding your network. Even on Twitter you can choose to block a person or add the person to your list of friends.
So build your network sensibly and make the most of the best social and business media tool the internet has to offer.


  1. This is a very topical piece Laya. Thank you.

    As a fellow open networker, I agree; you should always be polite (manners extend to the "new world" too) and of course you always have the chance to "unconnect" with people within your network after some "network rationalization".

    Keep up your musings Laya!

  2. Thank you for a topical article Laya.

    As a fellow open networker I agree; manners cost nothing, in the old and new world, so use them. Also, one does have the opportunity to "unconnect" once you've done some "network rationalization". This helps to refine your network for better mutual cooperation - which is what it's all about.

    Keep up with your musings Laya!

  3. I'm glad to join in the discussion. I also agreee that professional networking is a very powerful tool, it is like giving power in the hands of the masses to work for themselves...if used wisely...everybody can grow in professional terms.
