
Friday, June 11, 2010

Meeting-up with old friends

The social media has proved to be a great boon to the modern society. Whether it is Twitter for updates, Linked in for professional networking or Facebook for social or personal networking.
On Twitter you can get the latest updates on anything, whether it is your friend’s visit to the Mall or the latest buzz in the political world. Linked in is for the serious and business minded lot. You could promote your business or you could interact with the corporate world or look for a job. Facebook is a great tool for personal and social networking. Many use it to promote their business too.
I liked Facebook because it gave me the chance to interact with people, with whom I had lost contact some 20+ years ago. The joy of meeting up with old schoolmates can’t be described in words.
I recently came across a girl who was with me in the 5th and 6th grade. We didn’t know each other well as we were in different sections of the same class and as so many years had elapsed in between, it was hard to recall things.
After meeting her, I felt  very happy, because she is a very nice person. I wished I had known  her well in school. She is a brilliant scientist, a great human being and the way she writes her blog shows her clarity of thought and expression.
I was also impressed by the way she had described her visit to New York City, and WTC site. The graphic details presented showed that she had a fine eye for detail and could not just observe details, but could put them well on paper or in this case her blog.
For all those who want to now check out her blog here’s a link http://lipikazuo.blogspot.com/
Please view the blog and the pictures and also see how well she describes not just New York City but the food she had. I was very impressed, I hope you are too.


  1. Hi Laya, Thanks for writing this post!!! Yeah, I am also very happy to get in touch with you and other friends/colleagues from my past though social networking sites. It really is a great feeling getting in touch with friends after more than two decades!

    And thanks for writing about my blog. My friends often tell me that some of my posts seem too technical sometimes, but that is the effect of writing scientific papers for almost 2 decades.....

    Your blog is so perfect! And very nice and professional posts. Liked it a lot.

  2. Hi Manisha,
    I loved your blog and the way you had described your trip to WTC site and other places, including the food you had..it showed great depth of knowledge. It was truely impressive...I think your writing shows all the qualities of a skilled writer..it is clear, concise and shows your clarity of though and eye for detail...I loved it..

  3. Manisha,
    I forgot to mention..thanks for appreciating my blog...I'm glad you liked it.
