
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Bespectacled me

Bespectacled me, Bespectacled me
Peering through my glasses at the world
What do I see?
Sharp clear pictures, clear images
Do I also see the mind's eye?
No, I see not, the inner mind of anyone.
I only see sharp clear images of the self and the world.
Oh! How I wish I could see further.
Take a peek into another world.
How I wish my bespectacled self could see far beyond the eye can reach.
My inner vision can see my mind's eye.
But alas! no way to see the mind's eye of my fellow beings.
Bespectacled me, Bespectacled me
reach out to the souls of those around you which is visible in the eye.
The clear bespectacled vision gives a clearer perspective and
I am able to reach out to the souls visible through the bespectacled vision.