
Monday, December 16, 2019

Breaking News: A Woman is Violated

One Nirbhaya makes breaking news
One Doctor Reddy rouses the nation's conscience
People march in indignation
Light candles to commemorate the violated
But what about the thousand's of women who are violated every day?
Violated by uncles, cousins, husbands, boyfriends
Sex is forced upon them
They experience sex without any pleasure
It is a painful experience
Does anybody cry for them?
Do we light candles for these women who are molested in the form of she wanted it?
Is it a crime to desire gratification?
Is it not important for the partner to fulfil the needs of his partner?
So which violation is more shameful?
The one Nirbhaya experienced?
The one a seven-year-old girl experienced when an uncle molested her?
The one a thirteen-year-old experienced when an older friend forcibly kissed her?
Or the one a twenty-three-year-old woman experienced when her boyfriend forcibly kissed her?
Isn't each violation breaking news?
What about a much older man propositioning a subordinate that he wants to meet her outside office?
Where do we draw the line?
As a nation, we need to awaken to the violation of women going on all around us
We need to give a sympathetic ear to a girl who complains she has been violated
And as for the seven-year-old girl, we need to make her aware of uncles who touch everywhere
For us Indians who have been labelled a nation of rapists
We need to become aware and raise our boys to be sensitive to girls
Otherwise, there will be one Nirbhaya on the roads and millions behind closed doors.

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