When you are going through a phase where you are waiting for an outcome of some action you have taken, are anxiety and worrying normal? Are they part and parcel of this phase?
For instance, if you have given an interview and are waiting for the outcome, is constantly checking the mobile phone or your email account acceptable? Or alternatively, you should adopt a stoic's attitude and keep a calm mind and leave the outcome to God? Do your best and leave unto God the rest. Easier said than done.
Typically we are anxious and worried, but the right attitude to adopt is the stoic's attitude and not be flustered by ups and downs. This ensures good health. A calm mind gives you worry-free sleep and happiness and whatever the outcome of your action you take it in your stride.
So though you may feel worried and anxious, try to keep a calm mind and leave the outcome to God. That is the ideal attitude to adopt.